Channel: Dax
Category: Music
Tags: longest rap song everfreestylerap god fast partworld record rap songone take videolongest songdax rap godmost words in a songvery rarethe next rap godhip hopraredaxraprap god lyricsdax eminememinem rap goddax the next rap godmost words in a song world recordrap god remixlongest rap songrap god lyircsrap godgodeminem
Description: we just made history... like, comment, and shareeee... available on ALL plaTForms... follow me @ thatsdax on EVERYTHING ;) Shot by: Logan Meis prod by. Lex Nour Beats #thenextrapgod #rapgod #dax #eminem TOTAL WORDS: 2610 btw if u made it this deep AGAIN in the description you are a real one. there is WAY too many lyrics to fit in here cuz the limit so i couldnt post them. They should be in my PINNED POST in the comment section! Let's go crazy!!! WE ARE THE LABEL